Kurrajong Natural Medicine Centre

We Take Care of Your Health Naturally, Using Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture and Western Herbal Medicine, Diet and Body Therapies.

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The Health & Wellness Magazine - Winter 2024

Content of The Health & Wellness Magazine - Winter 2024

News & What's On

In this case, no news is good news.

Acupuncture: What It Is and How It Works

Video Presentation by Danny Siegenthaler

Acupuncture is a very complex therapeutic system. It uses Qi and Channels to deliver this Qi (energy) to the body in order to regain and maintain optimal health. 

In this talk I show how Qi is an actual thing and can be seen at work..

To play the video, simply click on the white triangle in the centre of the picture above

Skin Care: Back-to-Basics Skin Care Tips

by Susan & Danny Siegenthaler

Almost every day a new skin care product hits the market with the accompanying hype of being better and making you look younger than anything else on the market. The magazines are full of colourful advertisements selling skin care products that will ‘turn back the clock of time’ and similar slogans. But we all know that this is mostly hype and marketing and the 15 year young girl pictured in the advertisement probably never used the products her face is associated with.

What We Are Told

Almost daily we are bombarded with a new skin care product and are told that if we use this product, our skin will look younger, smoother, more attractive and so on. We are presented with pictures of young, attractive women who have probably never used the products their faces are associated with and probably never will.

We are lead to believe that ‘the active ingredient’ in these products are a new discovery (usually they also get some sort of pseuo-scientific name) and if we use the product that has this ‘magical’ ingredient we will end up with 20 year young skin – Sure !

Young Woman

The Truth About Skin Care 

Skin care is just that – taking care of one’s skin, nothing more, nothing less. How you do this can depend on many things. The health of your skin, money, time, knowledge and probably a number of other factors will determine how much care you give to your skin.

Let’s review what your skin does for a moment. Firstly, it protects the inside of you body from the outside. That is, the skin forms a barrier between our external environment and our body’s insides. It is water proof and at the same time acts as a defence from pollution, microbes and other potentially harmful factors. In addition, it is partly responsible for eliminating toxins from our body in the form of perspiration, and your skin assists the body in temperature regulation. These and other functions are preformed by our skin on a continuous basis. So how do we take care of our skin, to ensure that it can continue to perform at its optimal level?

Back-to-Basics of Skin Care 

There are 3 basic principles that come together in good skin care.

  • Drinking enough water on a daily basis to keep the skin well hydrated. This involves drinking at least 2 litres of water each and every day, because the body’s metabolism will require this amount of water to function properly. More water is required if we engage in strenuous physical activity or work in a physically demanding environment. You can use the most expensive moisturisers you like, if you don’t drink enough water, your skin will become dehydrated and no moisturiser or beauty treatment will stop this in the long term.
  • Eating good quality, unprocessed foods such as fruits, grains, vegetables, some dairy and lean meat, will help you to provide the skin with the nutrients it requires to keep performing its vital functions. Your skin needs vitamins, minerals, trace elements, amino acids, etc., to function properly and while some natural skin care products do provide many of these nutrients, there is no substitute for nutrients gained from high quality food.
  • A daily skin care regime that will unclog pores, remove dirt and dead skin cells, as well as provide nourishment to the underlying, living skin cells, is an essential step to good skin care. Now this regime can be quite simple or more involved. 

At its most basic, skin care can involve as little as using a loofah on a daily basis when showering or bathing, to remove the dead cells from your body’s outermost layer of skin. Using a loofah not only removes the dead skin cells, but also promotes blood circulation to the outer layers of your skin, providing it with nutrients and oxygen.

In addition, use a mild, natural, pH-balanced (slightly acidic) soap to keep your skin clean and you’re done. 

Let’s face it, many people don’t even use a loofah, and couldn’t care less about what sort of soap they use to wash their face and body with. However, more concerned folk, who have an interest in maintaining the health and look of their skin for as long as possible, may be prepared to go a few steps further than that by implementing a good, daily skin care regime utilising natural skin care products. 

Implementing a Good Skin Care Regime 

A sound, basic skin care regime is more than enough for most people. Using a loofah for their body’s skin, a cleanser, toner and moisturiser for the face, plus an all-over body moisturiser is all that’s required most of the time. In addition, using a clay mask once or twice a week will help to remove dead skin cells and deeply imbedded dirt from the facial skin and pores. An exfoliant can also be used, probably 2-3 times a week, if you’re not using a loofah.

Increasingly, consumers are becoming aware of the potential health risks presented by artificial and other non-natural ingredients in beauty products. We all, well most of us, avoid foods and beverages which contain artificial preservatives, flavours, emulsifiers, etc., for sound health reasons. These days, we’ve extended this concern to other areas of products we use on our body and in our home.

Making use of natural skin care products that contain as many organically grown ingredients such as essential oils, herbal extracts, cosmetic butters and the like, are a preferred option for discerning customers. There are positive health benefits associated with using holistic natural ingredients rather than isolated active compounds, because the body is able to better utilise natural substances and the chance of negative side-effects is reduced.

Let me give you an example. Let’s stick to the example above, where you may have an oily T-zone with otherwise dry facial skin. If you have a close look at Wildcrafted’s systems for oily and normal skin types, you’ll discover, that the two systems only differ in one product – that is, the facial clay mask for the oily system is our Green Earth Medicine Facial Clay, while the Yellow Clay Mask is used in the system for Normal skin. Now, the system for dry skin, is somewhat different and there are actually two systems – one for primarily dry skin, the other for dry and sensitive skin. 
The key here is to identify whether the oily or dry facial skin is the primary problem. That is, which is giving you more trouble? If it’s the oily part of your skin, then use the system for oily skin and use the Papaya day cream on the dry areas of the face rather than the Avocado cream, although, the Avocado Day Crème is okay to use even on slightly dry skin. If on the other hand the dry facial skin is more problematic and there are areas where your facial skin is not just dry but also sensitive, use the Hydrating Cleanser and Rose Day Cream to cleanse and moisturise instead of the Lemon Cleanser and Avocado Day Crème. Choose the Green Clay mask for the T-Zone and the Red Clay mask for the dry and sensitive areas of your skin.
Wildcrafted Herbal Products is an Australian owned and run company dedicated to offering a range of high quality, hand-made, natural skin care, personal and hair care products, as well as a high quality, personalised information service online.
Wildcrafted Herbal Products’ Age Defying Essence is a natural anti-aging skin care formula that includes rich liquid moisturising ingredients, formulated for Mature, Dry and Damaged skin types.

Wildcrafted Herbal Products: Hydrating Cleanser
This special formulation makes Wildcrafted’s Hydrating Cleanser suitable for dry, mature and sensitive skin types and should be used before toning and moisturising as part of a daily skin care regime. 

Wildcrafted Herbal Products: Facial-Clay-Masks

Wildcrafted Earth Medicine Facial Clay Masks are a blend of the finest quality argiletz active mineral clays and plant hydrosols.

Earth Medicine Facial Clays are pure and natural clay-based skin care products that help you keep your skin looking smooth, vibrant and youthful.

The key here is to identify whether the oily or dry facial skin is the primary problem. That is, which is giving you more trouble? If it’s the oily part of your skin, then use the system for oily skin and use the Papaya day cream on the dry areas of the face rather than the Avocado cream, although, the Avocado Day Crème is okay to use even on slightly dry skin. If on the other hand the dry facial skin is more problematic and there are areas where your facial skin is not just dry but also sensitive, use the Hydrating Cleanser and Rose Day Cream to cleanse and moisturise instead of the Lemon Cleanser and Avocado Day Crème. Choose the Green Clay mask for the T-Zone and the Red Clay mask for the dry and sensitive areas of your skin.

By mixing and matching the different products you can ‘make’ a system that will suit your skin types and you do not have to purchase two entirely different systems, which of course is another option and you don’t have to think about it too much. 

Back-to-Basics of skin care is really about applying common sense, a little knowledge and making the right choice of products. By providing your body with sufficient amounts of water, quality, unprocessed food, and using natural skin care products you can’t go wrong and the health of your skin is likely to stay with you a lot longer.

Here Are Some Of Our Most Popular Therapeutic Creams

Healing Cream

Wildcrafted's Healing Cream

Treats minor skin injuries, cuts and bruises

Arnica Cream

Wildcrafted's Arnica Cream

Helps to rapidly clear bruising and swelling

Wildcrafted's Comfrey Plus Cream

Wildcrafted's Comfrey Plus Cream

Treats traumatic injury to nerves, joints, bone, muscles and more


Health Benefits of Parsley

by Susan & Danny Siegenthalert

Nutrients Contained in Parsley that Benefit Your Skin and Overall Health
ParsleyParsley contains a high concentration of vitamin C, iron and is a good source of manganese. It also contains calcium and is a great source of potassium.
The benefits these vitamins and minerals have on your skin is well know. Vitamin C is a powerful anti-oxidant and in conjunction with protein, is necessary for the production of collagen – the glue that holds us and our skin together and circumvents sags or wrinkles. It regulates sebaceous glands to keep skin from drying out; helps prevent facial lines, wrinkles and spider veins.
Vitamin C is essential for the health of the hair, eyes and teeth, resistance to infection, healing of wounds and firm skin tissues. Vitamin C is believed to aid skin cells in repairing and reproducing themselves. It is also thought to stimulate production of collagen, enhancing skin smoothness and elasticity. This vitamin is excellent for skin showing signs of ageing.

Iron is essential for healthy nails, skin colour, and hair growth, while Manganese helps to maintain healthy hair. Manganese activates one or more enzymes in fatty acid synthesis; it also activates the enzymes responsible for DNA and RNA production.

Calcium and Phosphorus work together for healthy teeth, hair, nails and bones. Calcium helps clear blemished skin and revitalises lifeless, tired-looking skin.

Together these vitamins and minerals which are contained in Parsley have a powerful health benefit on your skin, hair and overall health.

Medicinal Actions and Uses of Parsley

The use of Parsley is not restricted to culinary applications. Sure, parsley is a common ingredient in sauces, soups, rissoles, mince and salads, etc., however, parsley also has medicinal applications.

Herbalists may choose to use parsley in their treatment approach to dysmenorrhoea, amenorrhoea, as a diuretic, anti-flatulent and/or to stimulate appetite.

Other constituents found in Parsley

The essential oil comprising apiol, apiolin, myristicin, pinene. In addition to the ingredients listed earlier, parsley also contains flavonoids, a glucoside, apiin, and pro-vitamin A.

How to Use Parsley

Parsley can be used as a juice in concentrated form or as part of a salad. Parsley is also frequently used as an edible garnish, but no matter what form it is used in, it is one of nature’s more powerful “vitamin pills”.

Ever Wondered How You Develop An Allergy?

by Danny Siegenthaler
Allergies are becoming more and more common. In fact about thirty percent of people suffer from one or more allergies. Why? What exactly is an allergy anyway? And how do allergies develop?
Before we go much further, we need to define what an allergy is. A simple definition is: An allergic reaction (hypersensitivity reaction) is an inappropriate immune responses to a normally harmless substance.
This can be almost any substance natural or otherwise, for example pollens in the air may cause sneezing, runny eyes and/or nose and in severe cases an allergic response can actually result in a medical emergency and be potentially fatal.
So why do we get these allergies?
Normally, the immune system, which includes antibodies, white blood cells, mast cells, complement proteins, and other substances, defends the body against foreign substances known as antigens (substances that are antagonistic). However, in susceptible people, the immune system can overreact to certain antigens (called allergens), which are harmless in most people. The result is an allergic reaction.
Simply put, an allergic reaction is basically an over-reaction by your immune system to an otherwise benign substance.
Some people are allergic to only one substance, whilst others are allergic to many. So how do we become allergic to a substance that in the past we have not been allergic to?
The Mechanism of an Allergic Reaction
That’s a good question worth pondering, because almost nobody will be able to give you a concrete answer. However, the medical profession sees this in the following way:
While the exact cause for a person’s proneness to allergies is unknown, there has been significant evidence to show that it is an inherited characteristic.
In other words:
  • Unknown cause, but suspected to have a genetic component; that is you may be able to inherit an allergic tendency.
Many people are born with the capacity to become allergic to certain allergens. When genes are acquired from the person’s parents and enough exposure to a particular allergen has occurred, it’s likely that an allergic sensitivity will develop. Allergic RhinitisWhile this scientific information can be helpful in determining a person’s likelihood to develop specific allergies, it’s not the only way a person can develop an allergy. Certain allergies (like poison ivy) aren’t caused by a person’s hereditary background. Age can also play a part in the development of an allergy.
The development of an allergy occurs in two phases. The first phase is known as primary exposure. Primary exposure occurs when an allergen is introduced into the body. A person’s immune system (specifically, a person’s white blood cells) will respond accordingly. A person’s T-cells (specialized cells which are part of the immune system) will recognize the allergen as foreign material and release chemicals as a response.
These chemicals travel through the blood and instruct B-cells to produce millions of antibodies (antibodies are molecules in the blood and other fluids that tag, destroy or neutralize bacteria, viruses or other harmful toxins).
Some of the antibodies will attach themselves to mast cells, which is a type of white blood cell that is scattered throughout the skin and respiratory tract. The job of mast cells is to assist in mediating the immune system’s inflammatory response.
In other words:
  • T-cells, B-cells & Mast cells combine to instigate the body’s immune system response to an allergen.
The second phase of an allergy’s development occurs when a person is re-exposed to an allergen. When the same allergen enters the body, it attaches itself to antibodies that are stuck outside the mast cells. This causes the mast cells to release chemical mediators. Chemical mediators (like histamine) are chemicals that immune cells use to communicate with each other.
Histamine is primarily responsible for causing asthma and other allergy-related symptoms. Histamine opens up small blood vessels and causes them to leak fluid. The result is inflammation, sneezing, and/or increased mucous production in the nasal cavity. Histamines also cause wheezing and shortness of breath.
Histamines are also responsible for skin reactions to allergens such as poison ivy and many chemicals commonly found in make-up and off-the-self skin and personal care products.
The Alternative Medical View Point
In natural medicine, we also believe that diet, lack of exercise (general fitness) and stress can lead to a weakness in our body generally and as a result the immune system may ‘over-react’ to various allergens.
Life changes such as moving from one continent to another, for example coming to Australia from Europe, can trigger allergies because the immune system may be used to the pollens, grasses, etc. (allergens) in Europe, but is unfamiliar with allergens here in Australia.
Many pollens and grasses for instance are foreign to our immune systems and as we have no immunity to them, our systems may well over-react and result in us developing allergies to one or more of these allergens.
Other factors that put our immune system to the test when relocating from one continent to another is that the food, drinking water, heck even the air is different and these differences have to be assimilated by our body and the immune system has to re-adjust to the new conditions.
Additional Considerations
We all know that from time to time we overexert ourselves physically, mentally, emotionally, etc., and if this overexertion continues, there are likely to be more serious consequences.
Sustained stress for example will cause us to get run down, feel tired and undertaking any activity is a chore. Heck, even to get up and get started can be a major effort.
If this continues for an extended period of time, there is a price to pay. Your health will slowly start to fail – it might not be obvious at the beginning but this is the stage at which we can develop allergies, are more susceptible to ‘catching’ colds and feel generally run down and tired.
The body is weakened, there’s a distinct lack of energy and bingo, the immune system, being weak also, will over-react to an allergen. Once this pattern is established it is much more difficult to rectify it.
Natural medicine recognises allergies as a weakness of the immune system and will advise patients as to their lifestyle and the possible changes that need to be made in order to bring some balance back to their lives.
In addition, herbs and diet will play a major role in the re-strengthening of the immune system and the general health of the body.
What You Can Do to Take the Pressure Off the Immune System
Firstly, remove as many non-natural chemicals from your life – this includes non-natural washing powders, soaps, skin and body care products, make-up and try to identify as many known allergens and other toxic substances in your daily life. Remove as many of them as possible and replace them by using natural products. Why?
Because our bodies are not designed to deal with synthetic, man-made chemicals, rather it is designed to handle natural substances.
Secondly, make sure you keep you foods simple. That is, use unprocessed foods wherever possible. Pre-made foods will contain preservatives, possibly artificial colouring, flavouring and other frequently used chemicals. Whilst these chemicals may not of them selves cause allergies, they do demand extra work from your immune system and thus potentially weakening it.
Drink more than 2 litres of water a day. I cannot stress this enough. Our body requires at least 2 litres of water each and every day just to maintain normal metabolic processes. By depriving our bodies from sufficient water, we are stressing it and slowly but surely causing our body to become dehydrated. This is not what you want.
Last but by no means least – relax. You must make time in your day to let your body re-charge and repair itself. This means getting enough sleep, doing regular physical exercise and find a hobby that you can’t wait to get to. This is not just a good idea, fad or what ever, but there are powerful physical and chemical reasons for doing this. Why?
Because the endorphins and other chemicals that are released and come into play when we relax and de-stress are very important to maintaining good health for the long term.
Relaxation, for example, provides the following positive health benefits:
  • Slows heart rate,
  • Reduces blood pressure,
  • Slows the rate of breathing, which reduces the need for oxygen,
  • Increases blood flow to the muscles, and
  • Decreases muscle tension.
As a result, many people experience:
  • More energy,
  • Better sleep,
  • Enhanced immunity,
  • Increased concentration,
  • Better problem-solving abilities,
  • Greater efficiency,
  • Less anger, crying, anxiety, frustration, and
  • Less headaches and pain.
That’s just for starters. The positive health impact that relaxation alone has on the body is priceless and cannot be underestimated.
Sufferers from allergies will positively benefit from the above suggestions. It won’t be immediate, but over time, your body will become more resilient to allergens; the immune system will become stronger and react more appropriately and yes, your overall health will also improve.
At Kurrajong Natural Medicine Centre our highly qualified and experienced practitioners will identify the specific pattern or patterns that are the root cause of your health issue(s) and develop a treatment program specifically designed for you.
Simply call (02) 4573 0784


by Danny & Susan Siegenthaler

This is a large topic and could fill not just one but several books. However, here we will focus on why using systems of medicine such as Chinese, Ayurvedic and traditional naturopathic medicine is, for the most part, preferable over using other systems.

These systems of medicine have been around for thousands of years. More people, worldwide, use these over any other system of medicine, including our western medicine. India and China have the largest populations in the world, each around 1 billion, so their systems of medicine work and have done so for a long, long time.

In the main, they do not focus on killing a virus or bacteria and they do not treat individual diseases as such. Instead, they look at the patient as an integrated living being who is more than just a disease. The patient is an individual who has become ill because factors in their environment and in their lifestyle have caused their otherwise perfectly well-balanced system to go out of whack. These systems of medicine treat the whole person, taking all aspects of their lives into consideration and then treating the person holistically. That means treating not just their Arthritis or high blood pressure or other specific problem, but the whole living interconnected being.

This is vastly different from what the western system does. It targets specific dysfunctions with drugs that will do what the body is not doing, rather than helping the body to regain its functionality. In some cases, this is all that can be done. However, more often than not, a holistic approach will correct the dysfunction, with the added bonus that the patient will not become dependent on drugs for the rest of their life.

There is a big problem with western medicine that is so obvious it’s ridiculous. Drug companies are owned by shareholders, and these shareholders invest their money in these companies with an expectation of making money, having the share price rise and getting dividends each year. Therefore, it is a company’s responsibility to maximise their profits and then share this with its shareholders.

Wildcrafted Herbal Compounds are formulated by Master Herbalist Susan O'Neill-Siegenthaler

Here’s the problem. If you were a company and had the choice to make either product A, which the patient would need to take for 3-6 months, after which they would be free of the disease and would no longer need the drug, or you could make product B, which the patient would have to take for the rest of their life, which do you think would be more profitable to you and your shareholders? It’s as simple as that.

Unlike the allopathic western system, Chinese, traditional naturopathic and Ayurvedic medicine were not built on a corporate system, but were practiced by village doctors. They grew the herbs in their natural surroundings and picked them as needed. They used acupuncture, which involves stimulating points on the body that help the body to regain normal function. They used a range of exercise therapies, such as Yoga, Tai Chi and Qi Gone, to teach their patients how to retain their health. These systems did not evolve around a capitalistic model of healthcare. Western medicine is the only system of medicine that views itself as a money-making industry.

So, it stands to reason that if you want real healthcare, you need to think seriously about which system or systems you want to use to maximise your chance of a healthy old age. Don’t get me wrong; I’m not saying that western medicine is useless. Not at all. It does have its uses. For example, its emergency medicine is the best there is. The lifesaving drugs used on patients having strokes or heart attacks are second to none. Emergency medicine in the West is highly effective and we would be all the poorer if we didn’t have it. Also, some drugs can be vital if, for example, you have severe diabetes. However, for health problems that do not require lifelong drug therapy or emergency care, other traditional systems of medicine offer far better solutions.

There is also no reason why western medicine and the other systems cannot be used together. We frequently have patients who are taking some drugs prescribed by their GP along with herbs from us. Often, they are able to stop the drugs after some time and eventually stop the herbs as well.

We also want to make the point that your GP is not the same as a drug company. Many GPs are frustrated with the tools they have at their disposal and some even take up herbal medicine and/or acupuncture to provide their patients with better alternatives than strong drugs with potentially harmful side effects. This shows that the system they have to use is not all it’s cracked up to be and many of them are looking at alternatives to integrate into their practice. Some stick to what they do, preferring to be the best they can be at what they do, and refer patients to practitioners like us. Together, we address the problems presented by these patients. This works very well and is often very successful.

Did You Know?

Did You Know?

Did you know the Hawaiian alphabet has 13 letters
Did you know 'Topolino' is the name for Mickey Mouse Italy
Did you know Perth is Australia's windiest city
Did you know Switzerland eats the most chocolate equating to 10 kilos per person per year
Did you know the only continent with no active volcanoes is Australia
Did you know the longest street in the world is Yonge street in Toronto Canada measuring 1,896 km (1,178 miles)
Did you know 'Lonely Planet' for travelers is based in Melbourne Australia

Did You Know?

Did you know In eastern Africa you can buy beer brewed from bananas
Did you know African Grey Parrots have vocabularies of over 200 words
Did you know Australia was originally called New Holland
Did you know 'Lonely Planet' for travelers is based in Melbourne Australia
Did you know hippopotamuses have killed more people in Africa than any other animal
Did you know the coins thrown into the Trevi fountain in Italy are collected for charity
Did you know french fries are originally from Belgium

We hope you enjoyed our latest Edition of The Health & Wellness Magazine. We are always open to constructive feedback and ideas for future articles. If you have a particular topic you would like us to cover relating to yoga, alternative medicine, meditation, etc., please let us know and we will include it in an up coming Magazine


Kurrajong Natural Medicine Center will be closed from 24th Dec. 2023 to January 9th Inclusive.

We’d like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.